Athina Matekovits Dalamaga - Dermatologist - Venereologist

  GR    Make an appointment
  +30 211 01 50 700


You can find us at 19A Smyrnis Street, in the center of Glyka Nera,  behind the old Town Hall situated in the Central Square on Lavriou Avenue. Direct access from different areas of Athens / Attika, via Attiki Odos – exit 17 KANTZA or through Imittos Ring exit Y6, GLYKA NERA. There is easy and convenient parking on Smyrnis Street, just in front of our practice.


Athina Matekovits Dalamaga

Smyrnis 19Α
Glyka Nera GR 15354

Tel.: +30 211 01 50 700 Email:
Smyrnis 19Α, Glyka Nera