Dermatologic surgery is an integral part of Dermatology, that has experienced impressive advances in recent years. Surgical cutaneous procedures include removal of benign and malignant skin lesions.
Surgical removal of skin cancers is considered the treatment of choice, since the lesion can be totally resected and sent for histopathologic examination.
Moreover, there are numerous benign skin lesions that cause aesthetic concerns and can not be treated conservatively. This category includes various skin nodules as lipomas, dermatofibromas or cystic lesions such as epidermal cysts.In such instances, surgical removal is a plausible option.
Surgical lasers such as the carbon dioxide laser (CO2 Laser) can replace the scalpel in dermatologic surgery. The advantages are a more controlled, less painful and relatively bloodless procedure, with minimal residual scarring.
Dermatologic surgery procedures are usually performed under local anesthesia.
Detailed instructions for before and after the procedure are given in each case. Each patient is systematically followed-up until full recovery and restoration.
In our practice we take all the necessary precautions to ensure the safest and most comfortable environment for our surgical interventions. Wherever indicated, we prefer to use CO2 Laser in order to minimize discomfort and avoid scarring.