Athina Matekovits Dalamaga - Dermatologist - Venereologist

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  +30 211 01 50 700

Pigment removal laser

Many common benign skin lesions such as brown (age) spots and freckles are formed as a result of the local over-production and deposition of the skin pigment – melanin, in response to chronic sun-exposure. Lasers that can selectively target and break down melanin particles are used for the treatment of such lesions.


Less common pigmented lesions that can be treated with lasers are Nevi of Becker, Ota and Ito.

Each case is thoroughly assessed by Dr Matekovits, taking into account the medical history and the type of pigmented lesion. Treatment options are discussed in order to select the best therapeutic approach.

Laser treatment usually takes only a few minutes and is usually well tolerated. No anesthesia is required. The skin is slightly irritated for a week or two after the procedure but it heals nicely without residual discoloration or scar formation.

Rigorous sun-protection should be implemented for at least one month after the treatment. This is why one should avoid to perform laser for pigmented lesions during summer-time.

Usually one to two sessions are required for the treatment of common pigmented lesions. 

Common nevi (moles) should not be treated with pigment-removal lasers, as they may acquire atypical characteristics that are difficult to distinguish from those of melanoma.

Melasma (pregnancy masque) does not respond well to such laser treatments.

Special types of nevi, such as those referred above, can be treated with lasers but usually require multiple sessions and have high rates of recurrence.

Lasers for pigment removal can be combined with other treatment modalities such as microdermabration, chemical peels, fractional laser, for even better results.