The Drug –induced Photosensitivity Guide has been released!
Dr Athina Matekovits, MD, PhD (Author) and Dr Christina Antoniou, Honorary Professor of Dermatology at the University of Athens School of Medicine (Scientific editor) in collaboration with Bayer Hellas / Bepanthol Sun, have created the Drug-induced Photosensitivity Guide, which is distributed free of charge to a number of healthcare practitioners – physicians and pharmacists.
We hope it to be a useful tool for their daily practice, since it includes a description of the clinical manifestations of phototoxicity and photoallergy reactions, as well as a list of the main photosensitizing drugs / chemicals.
As we live in a country with intense and prolonged sunshine, with a significant proportion of the population taking systemic medications and at the same practicing outdoor activities, the issue of pharmaceutical photosensitivity is very timely. Prevention, as well as correct diagnosis in these cases is of major importance.